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Facts About Cuban Exiles

FACE Board Members come together from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, this group of professionals is the backbone of FACE. Their ideas help shape the direction and mission of our organization.

First time applying?  Please begin with our New Membership page. 

2023-2024 Board Members

Cesar Alvarez

Nelson Albareda

Tony Argiz, CPA
Frank Carreras

Eloy Cepero

Carlos Curbelo

Armando Codina

Vicente “Vince” Castro

Lili Escasena

Joe Fernandez

Eloy Cepero
Esteban Formoso
Ed García

Maria Garcia
Carlos Gazitúa

Armando González

Sandra González-Levy

Xavier Gonzalez

Adolfo Henriques

Alberto Ibargüen

Jesus Lebeña

Aida Levitan, Ph.D.

Liliam López

Carlos Migoya

Ralph Morera

René Murai   

Mario Murgado

Isis Pacheco Velasco

Eduardo Padrón

Leslie Pantin, Sr.
César Pizarro
Jorge Plasencia
Sofía Powell-Cosio
Claudia Puig

Olga Ramudo
Leonardo Rodríguez
Jaime Suchlicki
Mike Torres

Carlos Valdés

Sam  Verdeja

Peter Zubizarreta

Facts About Cuban Exiles


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©2021 by FACE Facts About Cuban Exiles

Facts About Cuban Exiles is a 501-c3 Not-For-Profit Organization in Miami, FL

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